Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am Grateful for so many things!

We have a little bit of catching up to do. First of all on Nov. 19th Brennan turned 5 years old. I cannot believe this little character is getting so big. He is such a goof and a great delight in our lives. He is so full of energy and fun. Gotta love this little rascal!

Next we had Thanksgiving. We had a house full this year as the whole family gathered. We have so much to be thankful for. We got a brand new kitchen table and it's gorgeous. Our family loves turkey and it was so delicious. We had a great meal and lots of family time. Tyler even made an eggnog pie! Taralee is a great pie maker too. Looks like Kalli is going to be a great helper coming right up. We will never be at a loss for pies. It was great weather so a game of ball was played after dinner in the backyard. And look at the little ones enjoying a popsicle in November. LOL

The Clarke Family

Tyler & Jenn

Kalli & Brennan

Tom and Tamara with Grandpa & Grandma Reed

1 comment:

Jan said...

You have a beautiful family Tamara!